How Does This Work?
Simple, listen to the tracks on the sidebar, choose one or more you like, download them and use them for your games, youtube videos, twitch streams, etc.
Is Crediting required?
Nope! You can use it in your games, streams, youtube videos for free without crediting! (But crediting is appreciated)
What are the restrictions?
There are restrictions, I Would recommend checking out the Do's and Dont's Page for more information
How do I Credit?
Check the Crediting page for more details on how to properly credit
Why is this site on
I'm using Wix for this so I can keep the site free for everyone without any paywalls, of course, you can donate to help this website, but you can also just use it for free!
What are the Accounts?
Accounts are not mandatory but are recommended, they give you easier support ticket management, access to the forums, and early access features!